HF- RG. Harun Farocki - Rodney Graham

HF- RG. Harun Farocki - Rodney Graham
How does one deal with the current times? Harun Farocki and Rodney Graham provide an answer to this question through their endless invention of new ‘dispositifs’. In this sense, as this catalogue demonstrates, both artist’s practices share concerns about medium, history, self-representation along with questioning the place and role of the artist. Published to accompany the exhibition ‘HF I RG’, presented at the Jeu de Paume, Paris, the book – through photographs, texts and images – explores four recurring concepts found in their work: the Archive, the Non-Verbal, the Machine, and, Montage.
Four philosophers, Catherine Perret, Catherine Malabou, Peter Szendy and Christa Blümlinger, address these four classical concepts taken from (post) modernist theory in the light of the work of Harun Farocki and Rodney Graham.
English and French