Enlightenment Contested
Enlightenment Contested
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Contents: I: INTRODUCTORY; 1. Early Enlightenment, Revolution, and the Modern Age; 2. Philosophy and the Making of Modernity; II: THE CRISIS OF RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY; 3. Faith and Reason: Bayle versus the Rationaux; 4. Demolishing Priesthood, Ancient and Modern; 5. Socinianism and the Social, Psychological, and Cultural Roots of Enlightenment; 6. Locke, Bayle, and Spinoza: A Contest of Three Toleration Doctrines; 7. Germany and the Baltic: Enlightenment, Society, and the Universities; 8. Newtonianism and Anti-Newtonianism in the Early Enlightenment: Science, Philosophy, and Religion; III: POLITICAL EMANCIPATION; 9. Anit-Hobbesianism and the Making of ´Modernity´; 10. The Origins of Modern Democratic Republicanism; 11. Bayle, Boulainvilliers, Montesquieu: Secular Monarchy versus the Aristocratic Republic; 12. ´Enlightened Despotism´: Autocracy, Faith, and Enlightenment in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe 1689-1755; 13. Popular Sovereignty, Resistance, and the ´Right to Revolution´; 14. Anglomania, anglicisme, and the ´British Model´; 15. The Triumph of the ´Moderate Enlightenment´ in the United Provinces; IV: INTELLECTUAL EMANCIPATION; 16. The Overthrow of Humanist Criticism; 17. The Recovery of Greek Thought; 18. The Rise of ´History of Philosophy´; 19. From ´History of Philosophy´ to Histoire de l´Esprit humain; 20. Italy, the Two Enlightenments, and Vico´s ´New Science´; V: THE PARTY OF HUMANITY; 21. The Problem of Equality; 22. Sex, Marriage, and the Equality of Women; 23. Race, Radical Thought, and the Advent of Anti-Colonialism; 24. Rethinking Islam: Philosophy and the ´Other´; 25. Spinoza, Confucius, and Classical Chinese Philosophy; 26. Is Religion Requisite for a Well-Ordered Society?; VI: RADICAL PHILOSOPHES; 27. The French Enlightenment prior to Voltaire´s Lettres Philosophiques (1734); 28. Men, Animals, Fossils: French Hylozoic materialisme before Diderot; 29. Realigning of the parti philosophique: Voltair, Voltairemanie, antivoltairianisme 1733-1747; 30. From Voltaire to Diderot; 31. The ´Unvirtuous Atheist´; 32. The parti philosophique Embraces the Radical Enlightenment 1747-1752; 33. The ´War of the Encyclopedie: The First Stage 1745-1752; 34. Postscript; Bibliography; Index